Mr. Jeff Menzer, Re-Artist in Asheville, North Carolina

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#017 Monday, June 24, 2024

“I Don’t Care”

Buzzing in your ear
Swarming in my hair
I don't care.
Oh, good golly Miss Molly
squish 'em flat
make 'em flat
make 'em go splat
I don't care
Nasty little buggers
bugger off, be gone
like a plague upon the land
numerous as grains of sand
squish 'em bash them
swat 'em in the air,
I don't care.

Make them die
No use for flies,
Ants that bite
Bees that sting
Who cares? not me
Spray 'em by the thousands
murder their children
five, ten, twenty at a time.
Beneath the iron boot
Stomp 'em good and flat
listen to the reassuring
no more buzzing
No more ants at the picnic
Not invited
Not welcome here.
The almighty humans
make the world safe.
Let the creepy crawlies die
a slow hand death.
What do the bird brains know?
What make the flowers grow?
Who eats apples any way?!
I don't care!

How big is the bee's brain?
Do bugs have feelings?
Only pansies love
butterflies and lady bugs.
Pssst goes the can
of instant death
Die, You scum bag maggots
who care about the mealy mouthed moths,
blood-thirsty, disease ridden
Pests of purgatory
Be gone in to nothingness
all will be blissful ignorance.

Mr. Jeff Menzer
June, 2024