Mr. Jeff Menzer, Re-Artist in Asheville, North Carolina

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#008 Saturday, January 7, 2023

The wind as midwife

Whoosh, wheeee, crack,
crash and crunch, nearly invincible, nearly.
The wind, Fast flying and furiously focused.
The mountain version of a tornado, a microburst!
Well dang!
The wind as midwife to change.
Split to the heart,
dismembered yet remembered as
“Charlie the tree.”
More moonlight and sunlight on the forest floor,
space for new growth,
Less leaves, catkins and pollen to rake,
More sun for the invasives,
chickweed, bittersweet,
blackberries and honeysuckle.
When one door closes another opens,
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Vvruuum, vruum, ruma-runnnnnarunnnna run
goes the chainsaw and the crane in tandem.
So much good quality help from everyone.
Thank goodness, thank you.

~Mr. Jeff Menzer