Mr. Jeff Menzer, Re-Artist in Asheville, North Carolina

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#005 Monday, February 14, 2022

Some Call You Mother
by Mr. Jeff Menzer
February 7, 2022

Some call you mother

I call you lover

Breathing your beauty

Leaves me………..


Tears of joy.

Breathe and Sigh

In, out, over, under and thru 

Rolling hills, rills and trills

Mesa to Canyon

Your flowing song

Soothes my trembling heart.

Above and below

Mossy arboreal lace

An air of fragility 

Muscle, bone, quartz and granite

Fossilized nerves of steel

Vim and vigor.

Eternally transforming matter

Torn asunder 

To reconfigure

Again and again

Built for the long haul

Your beauty holds true.

Tender soul

Easily bruised

Abused and ignored

Not forgotten

Some call you mother

I call you lover.