#001 Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Welcome friends to the first of many journal entries into my new website: mrjeffmenzer.com Today is Tuesday, November 16, 2021, blue skies and mid-fifties. I’m working with Sally Casper, graphic designer to help promote my art and teaching.

Dang! My fingers are in so many different pies, yet there is a common thread that runs between them. Currently my primary focus has been making and writing small art cards. Two years ago I met my sister, Sandy, and brother-in-law, Scott, in the Four Corners area with the specific purpose of viewing petroglyphs. Yes! Amazing! We found some as well as lots of post cards at National Park Gift stores.

So…last week I began contour line images of shamans, goats, and antelope. Next came layers of watercolor/acyclic and colored pencil. While spread out in my studio I had 30+ 3”x 5” images, Voila!

Besides cards my intent is to use those thumbnail sketches as a spring board for much larger, life size work.

Sets of these petroglyph cards are currently available in my Shop until they are sold out.

~ Mr. Jeff


#002 Monday, November 22, 2021